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Australian School Libraries Share: Why I l Love Working in a School Library


The annual Softlink School Library Surveys, school library staff are given the chance to express their perspectives on working in a school library through a series of open-ended questions. Despite acknowledging the difficulties they encounter, it is clear that their dedication and love for their profession not only shine through but also outweigh the challenges.

In the 2023 Australian School Library Survey, we wanted to explore this further so asked the question:  

“What is the best thing about working in a school library?”

We had a fantastic response, with valuable feedback shared by school library staff across Australia. In collating these comments, the following themes emerged:

  • Cultivating a love of reading
  • Engaging with students and staff
  • Providing a safe and welcoming space
  • Support research and information literacy
  • Contributing to teaching and learning
  • The variety of the role
  • The flexibility of the role
  • Books! Books! Books!

In our latest feature document, we share a selection of comments around these themes.

A summary of the responses is included below. 

Cultivating a love of reading

We have gathered insights from school library staff who reveal the most rewarding aspects of their profession. They emphasise that the greatest joy of working in a school library lies in nurturing a passion for reading, transforming reluctant readers into enthusiastic ones, facilitating the discovery of books that resonate with students, and actively participating in their reading journeys.

"Watching students light up when they talk about books they have read or want to read. Hearing the children talk about what theme the library will be decorated in. Having children ask for certain books to be brought"

"Building communities, creating connections and finding THE book that transforms a reluctant reader."

"Fostering a love of reading with the students. I always love to hear that a student has enjoyed a book that I have recommended or they have found in our libraries."

"I love reading and am able to impart that enthusiasm onto my students. I can actively promote reading and books."

Engaging with Students & Staff

Library staff open up about the most fulfilling aspect of their work in a school library: the deep engagement, meaningful relationships, and rewarding interactions they enjoy with both students and staff members.

“The close interaction with students and staff. Our team is fantastic and everyone has their strengths which they bring to the team. Just a lot of work for very few people.”

“Relationships with students, able to develop a more relaxed interaction and encourage student interests.”

“Engagement with students. I love talking books with them and encouraging a reluctant reader to read - even just the first chapter of a book!”

“Engagement with students and teachers and working with them to meet their learning and recreational reading needs. Providing students with meaningful experiences which inspire them to engage with literature through events such as author workshops.”

Flexibility of the role

Working at a school library provides new challenges and interactions every day. Embracing this dynamic environment allows flexibility and creativity in supporting the learning needs of students and staff. 

“Flexibility and scope to work with individual students/small groups more frequently”

“Being able to have autonomy and flexibility in my work and being able to be creative.”

“I can do what I want when I want. Don't really have a supervisor. Not over abundance of Admin work (unless I decide it is important)”

“Being able to have autonomy and flexibility in my work and being able to be creative.”

Providing a safe and welcoming space

Library staff express their admiration for the enriching experience of working in a school library, where they can create a secure and inviting environment for students. This dedicated space not only nurtures a passion for reading but also encourages student development, while simultaneously fostering innovation and aiding in academic exploration.

“Providing a safe place for students where they can be themselves. Helping students to love books and reading.”

“The students - talking to them, and making a safe space for them to be - whether they are readers or not!”

“Creating enthusiasm for books and reading. Providing a safe and inviting space for students to enjoy.”

“My freedom to be creative in a non-traditional sense, constantly being one step ahead, creating puzzles and games for the kids to interactive with, marketing in a non-traditional way.”

Supporting research and information literacy

School library staff share their fulfilment in connecting students with reliable resources, teaching them how to find and evaluate information critically, and fostering a passion for research and information literacy.

“Encouraging children to learn and develop, promoting a love of reading to ensure increase literacy.”

“Seeing new books and accessing/ordering students requests. Immersing students in good quality literacy”

“Working with students and teachers to find the resources they need for both leisure and learning.”

“Literature - enjoyment. When or IF given the freedom to promote books and entice children's interest in same. Weaving that magical web to have children engaged in great books. Whether it be picture, non fiction, reference or fiction!”

The variety of the role

In this section, school library staff share that the best thing about working in a school library is the variety of the role, the constant change, the unpredictability, and the opportunity to be constantly learning.

“Every lesson, day and week is different. No 2 days are the same. Everyone in a school at some stage comes to the library. Kids feel safe in the space.”

“Have conversations with students, turning them on to reading, finding out about their interests, playing games with them at break times. ”

“No two days are the same. Less preparation & marking than a full teaching load.”

Books! Books! Books!

School library staff share that the highlight of working in a school library is the immersive experience of being surrounded by books, celebrating their presence, and sharing their passion for books with others.

“Helping students find the right books for them and to see their excitement over reading a book they enjoyed.”

“Our students still prefer a paper book rather than an e-book. They are always excited for new books to arrive.”

“Seeing the children reading for fun and being exited for new release books they have waited for.”

“I love the interaction with the students and promoting reading. I also enjoy the boys who are currently reading quite a lot.”

Contributing to teaching and learning

School library staff share their enjoyment in supporting teaching and learning through student engagement, collection development, and collaborative endeavours with teachers.

“The opportunity to influence students (especially those in the early years) to become lifelong lovers of reading and learning.”

“Working with the students, being an example of all that is possible. Celebrating creativity.”

“When I was full time in the Library, I had more interactions with more students. I was also able to be of more help to teachers.”

“The combination of active teaching and providing a vital service to staff and students.”

Thoughts and Takeaways

Library staff are passionate educators who take immense pride in their role. They build meaningful relationships with students and staff, assist with research and information literacy, and adapt to the diverse and dynamic nature of their roles. Their enthusiasm for books and dedication to providing a safe space for learning make them invaluable members of the school community.

To download the full feature document, visit our resources page.

Further reading
