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Category: CommunityOliver v5

Are you on the latest Oliver v5 update?

Are you on the latest Oliver v5 update and taking advantage of all the newest functionality available to you?

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Australian School Libraries Share: Why I l Love Working in a School Library

Based on the responses from the Australia 2023 School Library Survey, school library staff share why they love working in a school library.

Read more about "Australian School Libraries Share: Why I l Love Working in a School Library"

Marketing your school library and yourself

Andrew Downie, Teacher Librarian at Fairfield High School, brings a wealth of experience as someone who has worked in both school libraries and in educational sales. In this guest blog post, he shares the lessons he has learnt and applied about marketing your school library and yourself.

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Australian School Libraries Share: The Impact of AI on School Libraries

Based on the responses from the Australia 2023 School Library Survey, examine how School Libraries perceive the influence of AI on School Libraries.

Read more about "Australian School Libraries Share: The Impact of AI on School Libraries"