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Resources to support students - beyond the curriculum


Curated resources to support students

With over 300 guides, LearnPath users have access to a large quantity of included content. While there is a lot of curriculum-based content, did you know that the LearnPath Community Content Hub (LCCH) also has resources “beyond the curriculum” to support your students?

This content is curated by an experienced teacher librarian and is freely available to all LearnPath users, to download, add to their system, build on, and customise.

Study Skills

LearnPath sub guide - Study skills

Good study skills are essential for learning and succeeding in school, helping students maximise the learning process. Like digital literacy skills, good study skills are not something that come naturally, but need to be taught.

To help support educators as they teach these skills, and for students to easily access, refer to, and revise, we have included a guide devoted to this in the Content Hub.


At the top level, there are videos and resources that share top tips for studying effectively that help introduce study skills as something that are deliberate and planned, and help navigate away from ineffective study methods that students engage in. The sub guides then break down specific topics to help structure and maximise their study processes.

Goal setting

Students are introduced to the why and how of goal setting, the difference between being productive and busy, what makes a good goal, and SMART goals. There is even an activity for them to complete where they can write an email to their future self, which they can schedule to receive on a particular date – great for sending reminders and encouragement at checkpoints and to remind them of the goals they have set.

LearnPath sub guide - time management

Time management

Students will be well familiar with the term time management. With Ted Talks, YouTube videos, presentations, assignment calculators and handy tools, this guide presents the topic of time management and procrastination in an entertaining, engaging, and useful manner.

Learning Styles

Not everyone learns in the same way; what may work for one student (such as looking at charts and diagrams) may be completely ineffective for another. This guide explores the various learning styles, helping students to discover their own, and find ways to maximise the learning process during their study time.

Reading and note-taking


In this guide students will learn best practices for note-taking, whether that is in a lecture-type environment (where they hear the material being taught) or while they are reading texts and need to pull out the important information.

LearnPath sub guide - Research skills

Research skills

In this guide there is a strong emphasis on digital and information literacy. Students will learn about the research process, databases vs Google, plagiarism, and referencing and citation.

Exam preparation

In this guide, students learn more effective strategies to prepare for exams throughout the unit (as opposed to last minute cramming). There are also resources to help students to create a revision timetable, prepare for exams as they approach, and tips for sitting exams.

Writing tips


A very useful guide for students to refer to throughout the year, “Writing tips” looks at the various styles of writing, defines the different types of essays and text structures, provides tips for writing strong introductions, conclusions and summaries, and introduces the “hamburger paragraph” concept.

Health and wellbeing

While some students may “seem” to breeze through school, for others the journey is not so easy. Regardless of the situation they are in, all students need to be reminded from time to time to look after themselves.

This guide provides useful resources around living a healthy lifestyle, looking after yourself, mental health and mindfulness, and support services.

Looking after yourself


With handy nutrition, dietary guidelines, and healthy lifestyle links, this guide also shares videos on managing stress, preparing for a good night’s sleep, and reminding students to keep things in perspective - there is life after year 12.

LearnPath sub guide - Mental health

Mental health and mindfulness

This guide dives deeper into mental health and mindfulness, providing students with tips for dealing with stress.

It also shares Ted Talks and resources from Beyond Blue, Black Dog institute, and KidsMatter that explore mental health further – looking beyond mental health problems, rather the focus is on ways to look after your mental health and why it’s important

LearnPath sub guide - Support services

Support Services

There are several support services available to help students who are struggling for one reason or another. In the digital world though, it is important to direct students to sources that will help and offer sound advice and information – as opposed to social media or poor quality, websites that lack credentials or verification. In this guide we provide links to sites that can help students, in a safe digital space.

Post-School Pathways

Whether your students are planning to continue on to university, VET or enter the work force, there are LearnPath guides help them through their planning and application processes. Helpful resources include:

Build a career profile

With links to Career information, resume writing, and a Guide to Australian careers, this is a great starting place for students considering, and preparing for, their career path.

LearnPath resources - Tertiary entrance

Tertiary Entrance

For students considering tertiary study, this guide provides information about tertiary entrance in Australia and how to gain admission, as well as providing a useful Australian university Comparison guide with ATAR cut offs, online study options, uni rankings, 
subject rankings, student feedback, and more.

LearnPath resources - VET


For students considering the VET option, which can be completed as part of their senior secondary certificate, this guide explains all you need to know about the VET sector in Australia, what it is, who offers VET, courses and qualifications, how VET courses differ to higher education courses, and how VET can be used as a pathway to higher education.

To add these guides to your LearnPath system, find the relevant guide(s) in the LearnPath Community Content Hub then select download guide.

If you’re not sure how to access and add guides to your system, please contact support@softlinkint.com.

Not a LearnPath user?


If you are not a LearnPath user and would like to know more about LearnPath and the content guides available visit the resources below.

To speak to one of our Educational Consultants about implementing LearnPath at your school, contact sales@softlinkint.com.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published July 2019 and has been updated for freshness, relevance, and accuracy in July 2020.
