​Softlink School Library Survey Privacy Statement

How is the data used?

The data is used both to certify the response (is a school library respondent) and provide the report. The school type (about the school) information is used to analyse the data and provide reporting specific to school types.

Who has access to the data?

The survey software is password protected and secure, as are our email communication systems. It is accessed only by the staff responsible for analysing the results and producing the report.

Can I, or my school, be identified in the published reports?

There is no personal or school identifiable information in the published reports. We also use unique comments in the feature document/whitepapers and articles we release, but again, this is anonymous, or simply allocated as the survey year and country – an example article can be accessed here.

Will my information be used to sell to or be added to mailing lists?

If people find themselves on a Softlink communications list (as a result of us sending the survey report or feature documents), they can easily unsubscribe. Additionally, “email address” is not a compulsory field to complete – it is completely up to you to decide if you wish to provide this information (to receive a copy of the report).

Neither Softlink nor the School Library Association sell data, this is pointed out in the Softlink Data Protection and Privacy Policy which also includes GDPR compliance information. The relevant documents for the SLA are available here.