The topic of collaboration has featured heavily in respondent comments to the Softlink School Library Survey since its inception in 2010.
In 2017, we decided to frame a specific question on the topic. Respondents were asked ‘How do you currently collaborate, or what ideas do you have for greater collaboration between the library and the rest of the school?’
This feature highlights the voice of real school librarians globally in response to this question. Respondents share how they have successfully initiated, encouraged, and achieved greater collaboration between their libraries and broader school communities.
A summary of the feature has been included below. Download the full whitepaper.
In this section, respondents describe how taking a proactive approach, whether informal, formal, social or online, has helped collaboration in their school.
I believe that a proactive, collaborative approach is the key to a school community seeing value in a well staffed school library.
In this section, respondents share how they have used this expertise to help staff and students develop research skills, digital literacy skills, teaching strategies and lesson plans, locate appropriate resources and more.
I approach staff and offer expert guidance when students are researching for assessment, look at syllabi and offer suggestions and resources.
In this section, respondents share how they stay connected in their schools.
Honestly, collaboration usually starts from a social relationship built from conversations over lunch and in the common room. From there I learn about what each department is doing and it’s easy to find ways to integrate the library into that.
In this section, respondents share some of the ways they help staff to find resources, take the library to the classroom, and collaborate on building the library collection to best resource the curriculum.
I assist staff in finding resources and suggest resources that may meet their curriculum needs.
In this section, respondents outline some of the ways they support learning at their schools.
I currently team teach with all staff and collaborate with them when planning the programme.
In this section, respondents share what they would like to do to improve collaboration in their school.
I would like to be able to attend some of the curriculum meetings to gain a better understanding of the resources needed by staff to facilitate their teaching and delivering of the curriculum.