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Softlink Education visits Papua New Guinea


Softlink visits PNG

On Friday 24th August, 2018 Softlink Education had the pleasure of visiting Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, where we held a local user group and showcase for schools in the area. Representatives from several schools attended for a day of networking and training at Lamana Hotel in Waigani, Port Moresby, in the National Capital District.

School library professionals sharing and learning together

The group of enthusiastic attendees discussed some of the challenges for school libraries in PNG and did some workshopping around features in Oliver v5 including Smart Cataloguing, circulation and overdue management. Attendees agreed that these functions would save a lot of time at their schools, and enjoyed the opportunity to see them demonstrated and try out the system for themselves.

We received some wonderful feedback from attendees and we’re happy to share some of their comments here.

“Thank you for the opportunity and yes, I have learnt a lot from the Softlink consultant and the Oliver users too. It was amazing to be part of the group. I have taken away lots from your presentation and the discussions.” Benzamine Chee, Acquisitions Librarian, Library Department. Michael Somare Library. The University of Papua New Guinea.

“I enjoyed the session and learnt a lot from just few hours basically on the new and upgraded version of Oliver to Oliver V5 as well as feedback from other librarians in regards to Oliver V5 and its uses.” Jerry Mark, Korobosea International School, Papua New Guinea.

Connections made face-to-face and virtually

A highlight of the day was a live video link back to the Softlink office in Brisbane, where members of the Softlink team were waiting to meet and interact with attendees. Attendees and Softlink staff alike were very excited to have the chance to say a virtual hello to one another and we all look forward to coming together again at the next opportunity. Many thanks to all attendees for helping make the PNG visit such a success, and for allowing us to publish the photos below. To anyone who was unable to make it, we hope to see you next time!

Softlink User Group PNG 1
Softlink User Group PNG 2
Softlink User Group PNG 3

To find out more:
